Sunday, September 20, 2009

IV/18 Lithuanian

OK, so the kick in the butt worked very well. I just finished the second army of the weekend. These guys, just like the Scots-Irish were virtually completed just lacking a few colors. I purchased these figures at HISTORICON 2008 from Wargames. Have been sort of sitting on them unmotivated until here recently. This is the first army I introduced large boulders onto. I was attempting to give the impression of the forested glades that the Army is supposed to fight in. How an army with eight mounted fights in the woods is beyond me.
The Army has an option for a LH general and a Cv General. I chose to paint one of each. I also plan on using these same stands to interchange between the Cv or LH option as well. Generally, I never plan on having two Cv stands.

Got lucky with these Essex figures in that the horses were very animated and fit well on the rocks.
The forest dwellers.


Josh said...

Very nice paint job and basing! How do you do the basing? it looks spectacular!

LittleHordes said...

Josh,'I use Elmers Wood Putty and smear it around the figure bases. This particular army I glued some of the figures to rocks and then smeared around the base . Painted the putty and then dry brushed it to give some texture . I also have been using static grass for the greenery.

Josh said...

They look great, very realistic looking mud.
Thanks for the tips!