Picked this Chariot army up from Rudy with Time Portal Hobbies minus the elephants. I can not even remember which RECON/HURICON it was anymore. I had some spare elephants from Essex I bought an even longer time ago in Nashville and modified them to work. Thank you Chip for the Bw riders and the extra Bw figures. You made the army possible. I have been avoiding finishing the army for three months now. I glued the riders on the elephants before I painted them...ouch what a pain in the A.

The general and his Cv. The General and the driver are Essex. I think this is only one of two mixed armies I have in my collection. Not sure why, just is.

The EL. I glues twisted string across the backs of the elephants in order to give the straps for the Burmese archer seats. The benches are just wood. It was a slight irritation to get them to fit right but once there....well they are really glued.

Lots of Ax. The figures are quite nice and detailed if not a bit small and skinny.

Chose to have two Cb and one Bw just for variety. This is not the prettiest army I have painted. I wanted them to look different then the matched pair, the Hindu other list III/10c.
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