Friday, July 31, 2009

I/35d Phoenicians

I purchased these Xyston Miniatures from Brookhurst Hobbies some time ago. I was originally interested in a low aggression, Littoral army with an ART option. The Phoenicians fit the bill with their Littoral, AG 0. I wanted to experiment with a combination of a waterway and a BUA utilized to narrow the playing field. I wanted to do this to give the Sp line a chance to dominate the center with less of a chance to get flanked. I hope it works.
Xyston has three different sets of Phoenician Sp. They had Marines, Veteran, and another I can not remember right now. I wanted to have three veteran Sp as a landing force and have another three with the main. I opted out of the seventh Sp for an Ax that you will see further down the page. The General is in the lead Sp element. He is the only guy with a sword in the whole army.
I cut off a Sword from an unsuspecting extra guy and added it to a Phoenician Sp to make the leader stick out. He, of course, also has his private flute player next to him to keep him in step.
The Ax and 3 Ps. I intend not to make the other five optional Ax stands.

These are some Greek Cv figures. I tried to use some that were not to far fetched. I assumed that they would have been mercs anyway.

The ART was fun to set-up. I used a dowel to build the broken pillar. I am very excited to use this army here in the next few weeks.


tim said...

Beautiful stuff! Nice job on the shields!

Robin_Jeff said...

Great work Hubby!! Like the added columns. :o)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jeff,

I am building this Army as well for the exact same reasons. Have you played with them yet? I thought the idea of landing an ART on the enemy supported by some bad going troops near some terrain would prove a real irritant.

Was that your idea as well?

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with the dowel pillar. I intend to paint a Phoenician army next year - mainly because they would be an enemy to many of my other armies.